Just a quick post today to plug an event run by my brother and his friends! 

A reminder that DaveFest is happening on Saturday! I’ve mentioned it before but it’s co-organised by my brother and this time round is partly in aid of the Brain Tumour Charity. This is particularly appropriate as I love live music – I’m not able to make it myself but would definitely encourage anyone who can go to do so! There’ll be two stages, a raffle and it’s pay what you feel. The poster with further details is in this post and the event is on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/events/140521706582769/?ti=as

There’s that advert which was at the cinema a while ago about the guy who starts a festival named after himself  in his house, and it gets so successful he ends up moving to a different venue. My initial reaction was ‘what kind of twat names a festival after himself?’ – turns out, my brother is exactly that. All jokes aside, I’m very proud of him (though he’d hate to know this so I shall pretend to be non-chalant about it!)

It’s in Bar Loco in Newcastle, so if you live nearby drop in – and if you can’t make it but want to donate, you can do here: https://thebraintumourcharity.safeandsecurewebservices.net/donate

My Wandering Days Are Over 

I’m going to discuss ableism a bit in this post so a content warning applies for that. Please also pull me up on language used incorrectly. A spoiler warning also applies if you don’t want to see anything about the Strictly results last night! 

Occasionally I have dreams where I am able to walk unaided. I walk along the pavement or the house, only realising that isn’t possible when I wake up, or sometimes in the dream itself. It’s quite a distressing moment – this time last year I was disappointed with myself if I didn’t get 12500 steps in, and thought nothing of the hour’s walk from my flat to town. Now, I can’t walk without a frame and I use the wheelchair when I’m out. I probably struggle to get even 100 steps in. I know not to compare myself to others, but it’s comparisons to me that get me disappointed. I’ve been lucky so far in terms of side effects, in that the tumour has mostly affected things like balance and co-ordination – things that I was never good at anyway! My cognitive ability seems to be functioning well, though I’ve been very tired (which will hopefully pass soon – if only because it’s very frustrating not having the energy to do anything!) I also managed to get PIP much more easily than most people I know – on one level, I do need it and am entitled to it, but so does everyone else I know who has struggled to ‘prove’ their entitlement, which is a fairly big indictment of the benefits system in the UK. 

The fact I can’t really walk without using mobility aids and bought a wheelchair of my own last week has meant I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about accessibility and disability. A disclaimer first of all – I’m very aware in talking about this that there are many different types of accessibility, and that many people do not necessarily define as disabled (and there’s probably people would say that I’m not, though that’s maybe a discussion for another time)

I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t really pay attention to accessibility ‘before’ – whereas a few months ago, I barely noticed one or two steps up to a shop, now I notice every cobble and every bump. This probably says a lot about attitudes to disability in general! My other two main bugbears involve the word ‘inspiration’ (which I’ve been hearing too much of today and yesterday since Jonnie left Strictly!) and people thinking that only elderly people need mobility aids… 

The image above is a jumper designed by Bree Mae, who always has interesting things to say on Twitter. The four pictures represent a person in a wheelchair, someone speaking sign language, neurodivergence, and a blind or partially sighted person with an assistance dog. It does well at showing that disability is not just something ‘seen’ – especially with variable conditions or chronic illness and pain. I know TfL have introduced a badge saying ‘please offer me a seat’ – unfortunately I’ve also heard of cases of people being rude to badge holders and refusing to give up their seat because ‘you don’t look disabled’… But if you live in London or somewhere else that has a similar scheme, please pay attention to it!

Accessibility really matters. I’ve been church hopping recently, while mum is on sabbatical.

I think the main things I’ve learned from this church hopping so far are

a) it’s always worth looking things up first! Whether that’s toilets, places to eat or whether there are slopes, knowing what’s going on certainly helps me. Cobbles also feel a lot worse in a chair than when you’re walking on them, and the number of places that have slopes or very small steps without me having realised before is ridiculous. 

b) Sometimes you can only find things don’t work when you get there! We’ve been lucky so far but I probably wouldn’t even think about parking, for example. Mostly this is because I never learnt to drive (and I’m not supposed to now anyway!)

c) As always, nothing about us without us. If you don’t consult disabled people, you should. It was lovely to see someone in a wheelchair taking up the collection one Sunday. Asking people (or accepting their offers of help) to be on rotas for reading or sidespersonning or making tea after the service, or event, or just employ disabled people if they are able to work, and disabled employment is a whole different issue and discussion which is often abusive and exploitative, where it exists at all! Although, of course, it’s always important to remember not all disability is visible and not everyone will disclose their disability. 

Much of this can be extrapolated beyond churches and is just good general advice, to be honest!  I’ve mostly been very impressed with the accessibility – especially considering churches are often not the kind of building you think would be accessible, due to legal reasons and historical significance, but we haven’t had to change plans yet! In fact, the only place we had to change plans was at a service station on the way to Manchester – there was no lift and no way of getting across the bridge without several stairs. If I’d known this in advance I could have brought my stick, or we could have gone to a different services (which is what we did in the end) – I finally received a reply from them today which apologised for the inconvenience and said I could have asked a member of staff to go across and get me something, which I didn’t personally find a very helpful solution… 

The next two paragraphs will contain some discussion of sexual assault and harassment. I also briefly mention infertility so you may want to avoid that too. There won’t be any further mention after that so please do skip this if you feel the need to or stop reading. 

One thing I’ve become quite aware of is that since using a wheelchair no one has said things to me of a sexual nature or harassed me. This had happened quite often before – over half the times I went outside, and I’m sure many women experience a lot worse and a lot more  – though less so when I was using a stick than when I was walking entirely unaided. 

There are a number of perspectives I could take on this. It may be partially due to the fact that most of the time at least one of my parents is with me! I also don’t want to complain that I’m *not* being harassed. Some of the responses have come close to that, even saying it explicitly, and I’m sure most of us have heard similar things said. 

I think the hard thing is that often disabled people are denied their humanity by being denied sexuality. As infertility is one of the side effects of the treatment, it’s already been something I’ve thought about, though not being able to have biological children doesn’t really bother me for a multitude of reasons which may or may not form a future blog post. Of course, asexuality is a very real thing and many people are asexual, so I don’t believe that sexuality is integral to humanity or the human condition, and as someone who is so single she regularly laughs when medical professionals ask if I could be pregnant, I certainly don’t believe that sexual expression or experience is necessary for identity (I’m no less bisexual for never having been with another woman, for example). But sometimes when you are disabled, people either think they have a right to ask very personal questions or assume that you *can’t* do anything sexual. It’s those assumptions (that everything you do is public, and that you are infantilised) that are rooted in ableist attitudes. There must have been things written on the intersection between disability and queerness too, and Twitter is a great resource for things like this. 

The above image is from Twitter and Annie Segarra, and is a purple t-shirt saying ‘Queer and Disabled’, with a white image of a person in a wheelchair and a rainbow behind a cloud. 

(Radiotherapy is) Over! 

Some much needed good news – I have now finished radiotherapy, and finished chemotherapy on Monday, which means that treatment is over for now! The next step is six months of tablet chemo, but that starts in mid-December and will be five days in every 28. It also doesn’t mean going into the hospital everyday so that will take a lot less time and feel very different.

I’ve been warned that the side effects can last longer than the treatment so I probably won’t bounce back straight away – but as the only real side effect I’ve had is luckily tiredness, I can cope with a bit more of that.

I think the strangest thing will be that my life won’t have to revolve around going into radiotherapy anymore – for the last six and a half weeks it has, apart from at weekends, and that’s going to be really odd. There’ll still be medication to be taken and physiotherapy to have, and various appointments and scans so I won’t be utterly bereft of hospital visits, but it won’t be everyday. It’s been an odd six and a half weeks but I’ve made it this far, at least.

The next photo is of the mask I had to wear during the treatment. It gets pinned to my face while I lie down in what looks like a CT scanner. Don’t look if you’ll find it distressing! I’ve just mentioned the mask before and realised most people probably won’t know what that means. We have kept it because my mum has a morbid fascination with it… I’ve asked for it to be kept in a room I don’t go in because I’m not sure I really want to see it again!

As most people probably already know (because I haven’t shut up about it!) it’s my birthday today! I’m now 26, and this is a very weird feeling. It’s certainly a very different birthday to last year, which I spent in Stockholm in the snow.

 In comparison to that, radiotherapy and seeing the consultant really doesn’t make for much fun! I did get to wear this badge though, which meant birthday wishes from the radiotherapy team and my consultant as well as extra sympathy! 

After the hospital though, I had a lovely day – starting with brunch with mum in Boston Tea Party. Apologies for the very hipster array of photos, but I figured you *have* to take pictures of food when you’re somewhere that puts avocado in coffee…. 

After we got home from the hospital and brunch, my auntie came up (all the way from the Isle of Wight!) and we had a lovely BB-8 cake made by my mum.

 I then opened my presents – thank you to everyone who sent presents and cards! Some of them didn’t have names in but I’m very grateful to everyone. Thanks for online messages too – everything has combined to make this a lovely day, even if we did spend a lot of it in the car and I had radiotherapy and a consultant appointment.

Obviously all presents are wonderful and the love and care is always appreciated – but I think my new signed vinyl of Tigermilk from Belle and Sebastian may be the greatest thing I have ever owned. I also got a chocolate pizza, a lot of books and a panda onesie, among other things. I’ve wanted to try chocolate pizza ever since I found out it existed so I am very intrigued! I don’t think I need to buy anymore chocolate for a while (though I will inevitably eat it all by this weekend now that I’ve said that!) 

There were several points since diagnosis I genuinely didn’t think I’d make it to my birthday so this has been a really special day for all sorts of reasons. Thanks again to everyone who has made it so special! Inevitably I will be dragging out the celebrations as long as I can because we’ll be celebrating again next week once radiotherapy and chemo are over. I’m not yet sure what we’ll be doing exactly but there’ll be something to mark the occasion!

You’re Just a Baby 

Today I had the absolute pleasure to become a godmother to Idony Ryder, Lykara and Dean’s daughter. She is absolutely beautiful, and even more adorable in person than in photos (which if you’ve seen any photos, you will understand how difficult that is!)

The service was lovely – a good hymn selection and the minister was really nice. Last night we all went out to dinner at a lovely local restaurant – it had such an impressive menu and tasty food! It also meant a weekend away – I was a bit worried about how I was going to manage with a weekend in Manchester and an overnight stay in a hotel but it went really well and I don’t feel particularly tired now we’re home.  As a fairly introverted person, I’m not very good at talking to people I don’t know so social occasions can be a bit difficult and draining but I think I coped okay, and it was lovely to meet friends and family of Lykara and Dean! 

Below is a selfie of me just before we left for the baptism, featuring my dress from Lindybop and wig from Lush Wigs, expertly plaited by my mum! I’ve spoken before about how much it helps to feel vaguely normal when everything is so abnormal, and getting dressed up and wearing make-up was part of that.  

There’ll be more photos coming soon! 

I’m glad to be reunited with my kitten though, who seems very pleased to have us back and is very intrigued by the flowers I was given!

Thank you again to Lykara and Dean for asking me to be Idony’s godmother – I genuinely can’t put into words how touched I was by the request, especially at the moment. Being a godparent feels like a big responsibility and it’s one I intend to take seriously (and not just an excuse to look at baby clothes and books, though I have definitely done a lot of that already!) 

In other news, I haven’t blogged for a couple of weeks now I think because I’ve been quite tired (and busy with Manchester this weekend!) – I feel a lot less tired at the moment which is great, though I don’t know how long that will last. I have eight sessions left to go of radiotherapy. It would only be five but I’ve missed a few, due to a combination of ending up in hospital once and the machine not working. 

As I keep saying, it’s also my birthday on Tuesday! I have a very early radiotherapy appointment on Tuesday so we’re going for brunch after that and seeing my consultant, then one of my aunties is coming up and so it’s shaping up to be a good day!